الأربعاء، 9 سبتمبر 2020

Who is a software engineer ? All you need to know about a job as a computer or software engineer

Who is a software engineer ? All you need to know about a job as a computer or software engineer

Who is a software engineer

Dear followers welcome to a news article about a job or profession of a software engineer. First, this job needs to have studied and graduated from the College of Computers and Information. Whether you studied this major at a university or in an institute, the study period is 4 years, this job needs to be distinguished from Other than you because it needs a thinking and creative person, and it is branching out of many disciplines, including software or games developer, whether on the desktop or on phones, or even you can become a web developer and all the specializations of this job are very important in our time because we encounter developments in technology and this job is considered one of the most wanted jobs in the world, not just Arabs. And let us now get to know some of the college's specialties.

Software developer

You can acquire this skill by taking courses, whether online or in centers, and it is preferable if you work in the Arab world as centers for a reason, which is the certificate, and also the strength of the place from which you received the certificate, but in the western countries the situation is completely different, so most of the demand is on the person’s experience, meaning that most of them want To see your previous work and experiences and not the accusation of martyrdom because he is looking for someone to finish his work for him and he is not an educated person and does not know how to work, so I think that your testimony in some western countries may not benefit you, but in the Arab world it is very important. This position is frequently required in the Gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE ... etc.

Android developer

Most of the projects that are held these days are now on phones, so if you want to start a project from your home or want to work as a free agent, you can learn to develop Android programming and master it well so that you can create an Android application that comes to your mind or in the mind of the customer and you can work with Companies from your home only by developing an application for them and technical support on it and every year the company pays you money for this support, this job you can acquire through the Internet or from registering in one of the approved courses in order to master this job, which is very important and its profit is high.

Web developer

The web developer is no less important than the Android developer, so now most of the large companies have their own website and application in order to reach the largest number of customers, and the development of websites requires you to learn the programming languages ​​of the sites such as PHP, HTML, CSS ... and other languages ​​and also the web developer is divided There are two parts, Front and Back and both of which are very important. Also, the demand for it in the Gulf countries is great, so I advise you to learn it if you intend to work from your home or travel abroad.

The field of a software engineer is very large and deep and I cannot cover it in one article, but I mentioned to you most of the disciplines that need programming within this field, and I will try to mention other disciplines such as data biz and others in another article. Also, I study in the Faculty of Computers and Information.

Unsubscribe applications that withdraw money from your bank account

Unsubscribe applications that withdraw money from your bank account

Altsbtiqat earn money through you?

Today, anyone can earn money through the Internet, whether from the computer or via the mobile phone, and many create Google and iPhone applications, and the subscription is monthly in these applications and most of those who work with this mechanism are companies, all that these companies do is to download some Applications and subscribe to them, and then ask you to subscribe to them after a trial period and start the journey of collecting money. Some ask you to enter your bank account to enjoy the trial period and then withdraw money from you via Visa, or the profit maybe by watching some ads,

How to cancel subscriptions that withdraw money

For iPhone

Go to the App Store and then click on your account picture at the top of the page, then choose the option (Subscriptions) and you will find all the applicable and expired applications. Simply, click on the subscription that you want to cancel and click on Cancel and now the applications will not withdraw money from you anymore. .

For Android apps

These stages do not differ from the previous stages of the iPhone, so all you have to go to Google applications or the Play Store and click on the side menu and the subscription option will come out to you, click on the subscription you want to cancel the subscription with it and from now the application will not withdraw any money from you anymore

What is the job of a personal consultant

What is the job of a personal consultant?

The nature of the personal consultant's job

Welcome to follow our website for a new article and a new job, which is a consultant or a personal consultant, this job is not only limited to the doctor as you think, but there is a real estate consultant, a personal consultant, a project construction consultant, for example, you are a person who has very much experience in building successful projects because of the mistakes that are made You fell into it in your beginnings until you became an understanding of the field in all respects. You can now help novice people build their own projects to make a profit and help them in the money paradise, but for a fee, or you can work as a road and place consultant, meaning there are tourists who stay in the country in which you are, so you can help them wander around the restaurants and clothing stores in your city and make money for The way to the restaurants that I went to would be in the beginning I agreed with him and every visitor has a certain amount and so on, this job also you can profit, through the Internet all you have to do is discovering what you can offer and help people, for example, programming or building projects as previously mentioned in the beginning or help in Choosing home furniture ... etc., this job is very big and deep, you can start it immediately when you discover your skills, and if you do not have anything creative with it, do not worry, you can look at other jobs on our site.

الأربعاء، 26 أغسطس 2020

How to speed up the device and games and solve the problem of falling frames (FPS)

How to speed up the device and games and solve the problem of falling frames (FPS)

How to speed up the device and games and solve the problem of falling frames (FPS)

Do you suffer from a problem of games beating and falling frames, and you want a way to speed up the device and clean it, so do not worry today, I will present to you a set of solutions that will help you by 200% because I had problems inside the games knowing that my device is considered average knowing that I first bought the device was The games work strongly and do not have problems, and after a while problems appeared, thank God, I found the problem and solved it, and now the device is running faster than the first and also games are getting faster.

Steps to speed up the device and games ?

 First: clean the device from viruses

 You must clean the device from viruses and advise you to use the Casper or Avast program and scan the device specifically for a "slow scan" and leave it to be checked to make sure that your computer does not contain viruses. And if you are sure and solve the problems, you can remove it and I do not use Antivirus only because it slows down the device very significantly only every What I do to clean the device from viruses, is when I feel that there are viruses or problems in the device, check the device and then remove it from my device.

Second: Stop background applications

The applications that work in the background also have a factor in the slow operation of the device and also withdraw from the RAM and processor while the device is working, so I advise you to stop it and manually start whatever you want if you need it and you can stop it by going to "Settings" and then choose privacy and go to "Applications in the background Just turn it off all from the power off button above.

Third: Cleaning the device from waste

You must clean the Recycle Bin continuously because the files in which you are located are often large and affect the height of the hard disk space C, so if you want to speed up the device and clean it, take care to empty it continuously.

Fourth: Deleting Windows Updates

You must from time to time delete Windows updates because they accumulate very much and do not worry, as they do not harm at all on your device, the idea of ​​which is that when your device needs to update Windows, it downloads the update and installs it, but unfortunately after the installation process does not delete what it downloaded so it must You have to delete it by going to the local disk C and clicking on "Properties" and then cleaning the disk and wait for the search to be completed and the results appear as in the picture. If you do not have the updates, you will find the box for cleaning Windows updates. Click on it to appear.

Fifth: Stopping the startup programs

When you start your computer, you will find programs that work with it, and these programs consume a lot of RAM and processor, so you must close them by going to the "Task Manager" and pressing "Startup", and stop all programs that run at startup except for the important thing You need.

Sixth: adjust Nvidia settings

This step is the basis for speeding up the games with you greatly, and it is a feature that helped me very much in speeding up games and getting high frames inside the games so you must adjust the settings for your card, whether Nvidia or AMD, and today I will explain only Nvidia cards so if it is not your card From Nvidia, this step will not help you. Go to the next, right-click on the desktop and select "Nvidia Control Panel". After that, head to "Manage 3D Settings" and then comprehensive settings and adjust your settings with the following settings:

Seventh: Stopping the Effects

This step is very, very important in speeding up games as well, which is that we will stop animation and some features that we do not need to get the best performance for the device and games. By stopping them all, but as for me, I do not want to lose the quality of the fonts in the system and some things, so I have not stopped them all, it is up to you that you want to stop all or some of them.

Thus, today's explanation has ended. If you also suffer from the problem of high anesthesia in games, I advise you to read this article about Internet treatment in electronic games

Notice: You must update the graphics card to the latest version

How to find out all saved passwords in Google Chrome

How to find out all saved passwords in Google Chrome

How to find out all saved passwords in Google Chrome

Knowing the passwords of your accounts registered in Google Chrome easily and without programs - many of us put many passwords for their accounts on the Internet, but unfortunately, they forget them due to the diversity of words, so there is an advantage in browsers such as Google Chrome and Firefox, and other browsers keep your passwords so that you can Who got it back after that's good and makes it easier for us a lot of time. We will show you how you can get your passwords on the 
Google Chrome browser with ease.

Steps to find out passwords saved on Google Chrome from the phone

If your phone is running on Android or iOS, open the Chrome browser on the phone and then follow the next steps to be able to recover the password for your accounts.

  1.  To the left of you will find the address bar or three dashes, click on it to open a drop-down menu with you, and then, click on "more".
  2. - You will find many options. Search for settings, passwords. When you find it, click on it.
  3. Then view, delete, or export a password.
  4.  Click on View Password to be able to see it.

Steps to find out passwords saved on Google Chrome from the computer

Open Settings in Google Chrome
Google Chrome contains many tools and settings that you can use in the browser, but today we will use the settings to find out the passwords saved within the browser and this method helped me personally when I forgot the password of one of my accounts on the Internet enables you through this method to recover the password easily

Open passwords from settings

After opening the settings in Google Chrome, you will find the passwords option on the autofill screen. Click on it to be able to see your saved online accounts and passwords as well.

Type in the site whose password you want to know

After opening the passwords, you will find many accounts for you on the Internet and passwords also search for the name of the site you want to recover the password by pressing Ctrl + F and type in the box the name of the site

Show password on Google Chrome

After selecting the site whose password you want to retrieve, click on the eye mark to show the password. After clicking, you will be asked to enter your computer password, whether it is a fingerprint, face, or a password. Enter the password, and the password for your account will appear 
with you, which is Saved to you inside the Google Chrome browser.

السبت، 22 أغسطس 2020

How to make a full web page screenshot capture (make a long screen shot)

How to make a full web page screenshot capture (make a long screen shot)

How to make a full web page screenshot capture (make a long screen shot)

When browsing the Internet, you may like a site, an educational page, or you received a message on your mail and want to take a screenshot for the entire page, so you go to the snap screen tool that is in Windows, but it only takes a clipping. With the advancement of technology, very many tools have appeared that will facilitate our tasks in our life and make it easier for us also time. If you write your problem on the Google search engine or any other search engine, you will find many solutions and in today's post I offer you a solution to the problem of taking a full screenshot of the computer, usually, This is taken on the current screen resolution and today's addition is for Google Chrome, as it takes a complete image of the web page.

To receive the addition: click here

How to switch to Dark mode in Google Chrome ( Google Chrome extensions )

Add a night mode to Google Chrome for free

Dear followers of the blog, welcome again and in a new addition related to the Google Chrome browser, which is the addition of the night mode, and this feature has become available in many sites on the Internet, as it is comfortable for the eye and reduces the radiation emitted from your device, so most sites use this addition for its importance, on the eye of the person Who is browsing and also from the door of the site’s interest in visitors. In the past, a person would download programs for night mode or dark mode to preserve the eye while browsing, and this feature quickly spread until it became.

Some digital blogs add them in their template, and also this add-on has become available in the modern mobile phone devices in the taskbar in which Wi-Fi and phone data appear ... etc. It has also become available in browser add-ons, whether Firefox or Google Chrome, and there are many additions to this feature, but today's addition What is unique about it is that you can put it automatically so that it works at night

Or you can always activate it or turn it off, and all this is up to you, and the distinction is also that without ads, that is, you will not encounter annoying ads while you are using this add-on, and it is also easy to use. It is not difficult, and you can get the add-on from the link below.

What is the night situation in short:

The Night Mode feature or Dark Mode converts the blue color to black and white, thus reducing the light from the screen and reducing eye strain.

What you did not know about the night mode:

  • It helps to sleep because of the reduced blue light
  • Blue rays are not the only source of insomnia and eyestrain
  • Blue light contributes to eye fatigue significantly and reduces it as much as possible, especially at night
  • Don't think you can use your device in bed late and go straight to sleep just because you are using the Night Shift feature

To obtain the addition: click here