الأربعاء، 26 أغسطس 2020

How to speed up the device and games and solve the problem of falling frames (FPS)

How to speed up the device and games and solve the problem of falling frames (FPS)

How to speed up the device and games and solve the problem of falling frames (FPS)

Do you suffer from a problem of games beating and falling frames, and you want a way to speed up the device and clean it, so do not worry today, I will present to you a set of solutions that will help you by 200% because I had problems inside the games knowing that my device is considered average knowing that I first bought the device was The games work strongly and do not have problems, and after a while problems appeared, thank God, I found the problem and solved it, and now the device is running faster than the first and also games are getting faster.

Steps to speed up the device and games ?

 First: clean the device from viruses

 You must clean the device from viruses and advise you to use the Casper or Avast program and scan the device specifically for a "slow scan" and leave it to be checked to make sure that your computer does not contain viruses. And if you are sure and solve the problems, you can remove it and I do not use Antivirus only because it slows down the device very significantly only every What I do to clean the device from viruses, is when I feel that there are viruses or problems in the device, check the device and then remove it from my device.

Second: Stop background applications

The applications that work in the background also have a factor in the slow operation of the device and also withdraw from the RAM and processor while the device is working, so I advise you to stop it and manually start whatever you want if you need it and you can stop it by going to "Settings" and then choose privacy and go to "Applications in the background Just turn it off all from the power off button above.

Third: Cleaning the device from waste

You must clean the Recycle Bin continuously because the files in which you are located are often large and affect the height of the hard disk space C, so if you want to speed up the device and clean it, take care to empty it continuously.

Fourth: Deleting Windows Updates

You must from time to time delete Windows updates because they accumulate very much and do not worry, as they do not harm at all on your device, the idea of ​​which is that when your device needs to update Windows, it downloads the update and installs it, but unfortunately after the installation process does not delete what it downloaded so it must You have to delete it by going to the local disk C and clicking on "Properties" and then cleaning the disk and wait for the search to be completed and the results appear as in the picture. If you do not have the updates, you will find the box for cleaning Windows updates. Click on it to appear.

Fifth: Stopping the startup programs

When you start your computer, you will find programs that work with it, and these programs consume a lot of RAM and processor, so you must close them by going to the "Task Manager" and pressing "Startup", and stop all programs that run at startup except for the important thing You need.

Sixth: adjust Nvidia settings

This step is the basis for speeding up the games with you greatly, and it is a feature that helped me very much in speeding up games and getting high frames inside the games so you must adjust the settings for your card, whether Nvidia or AMD, and today I will explain only Nvidia cards so if it is not your card From Nvidia, this step will not help you. Go to the next, right-click on the desktop and select "Nvidia Control Panel". After that, head to "Manage 3D Settings" and then comprehensive settings and adjust your settings with the following settings:

Seventh: Stopping the Effects

This step is very, very important in speeding up games as well, which is that we will stop animation and some features that we do not need to get the best performance for the device and games. By stopping them all, but as for me, I do not want to lose the quality of the fonts in the system and some things, so I have not stopped them all, it is up to you that you want to stop all or some of them.

Thus, today's explanation has ended. If you also suffer from the problem of high anesthesia in games, I advise you to read this article about Internet treatment in electronic games

Notice: You must update the graphics card to the latest version

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