الثلاثاء، 11 أغسطس 2020

How to cancel all friend requests sent from your account on Facebook

How to cancel all friend requests sent from your account on Facebook

Cancel all friend requests sent from your account on Facebook

In this distinguished article, we will talk about a very important topic for all users of the application and the global Facebook platform, as many people send a large number of friendship requests to people they do not know and private students from Facebook girls are not approved, and in today's article I will present in your hands a link you can By knowing all the friendship requests sent from my Facebook, and you can cancel the friendship requests sent that were not accepted (to prevent embarrassment 😁) this link works whether you use Facebook Messenger or Facebook Facebook (desktop).

what is Facebook :

Facebook is currently the largest social networking site, and Mark Zuckerberg, who is the owner of this platform while in its second year at the university, wrote a program for a website known as "Facemash", and at that time Mark used his computer science skills by penetrating a safety net Harvard University when he copied a group of student ID photos and used his new website, and this site was in its infancy for entertainment as it was by comparing students ’pictures with each other to find similarities. On the 28th of December 2003, then the opening of the" Facemash "website But the university closed after a few days, and (Mark Zuckerberg) was accused of violating security, copyright and violating the individual privacy of students and faced expulsion from the university, but all charges were eventually dropped. He currently has a net worth of more than $ 44.6 billion, and he is still at the age of 36.

The advantages of Facebook

Before knowing how to recover your numbers, I want to introduce you to other features of the Facebook Messenger application.


 The Facebook site and application provide a means of communication between different users, whether from relatives or other users, and also provides a great way to exchange different information of various kinds and even cultures, and this is through their use of messages, posts, or comments.

Business and Money

Facebook also offers a very tremendous opportunity to small enterprises and businessmen, to do a targeted advertising campaign for people who want to start doing projects or even small commercial activities, for those who do not have enough money to do an advertising campaign, and if you have a problem with your campaign, you can contact Facebook customer service via chat (Facebook support chat).

Knowledge Increase

A study indicates that Facebook is a great source for information and news, whether about a specific person or general information, as many of us use the application today, and this facilitates the process of obtaining information about a specific person or general information by entering groups or pages 
(Facebook page) Specializing in the field that you are interested in.

How can I know the friend requests sent from my Facebook

The matter is very simple. You can only go to the following link "Know the friendship requests
 sent from my Facebook", and a page will open with you containing all the requests sent from your Facebook account. All you have to do is click on cancel the request and thus finish the requests sent  and do not forget to tell your friends and follow the site 
  ( 😂 Because we preserve your dignity)

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