الاثنين، 10 أغسطس 2020

Applications, fundamentals and methods of Bipolar Junction Transistor

Applications, fundamentals and methods of Bipolar Junction Transistor

Application of bipolar junction transistor (BJT)

High speed digital logic:

Bipolar transistors are allowed to communicate with MOSFET in an integrated circular ring using a process called BiCMOS that enables chip fabrication to build circuits that take advantage of the application strength of both types of transistors


The transistor parameters characterize α and gain the current gain of BJT. This gain is what allows BJTs to be used as the building blocks for electronic amplifiers. BJT amplifier topology contains three main factors:
the Common emitter
the  Common base
the  Common collector

Temperature sensors

The normal temperature and actual dependence of the forward-emitting current-voltage cause the forward bias, and BJT can also be used to measure the average temperature by doing the subtraction of two efforts located in two different streams of bias in a known ratio

Logarithmic converters

Because the base emitter voltage varies with the logarithm of the base emitter and aggregate emitter currents, BJT can also be used to calculate logarithms and combat logarithms. Diode can also perform these non-linear functions but the transistor provides more circuit flexibility

Fundamentals of BJT

Intersection Transistor NPN: This transistor consists of two semiconductors of type (n) that were previously known and named (emitter) or transmitter and collector all of those names are called, and are separated by a thin layer of semiconductor type (p) and called This type is in the base, and this type works by correctly determining the electrical signals, then another small current passes between the main connections,
 and the transmitter becomes this (NPN), and also generates a large current between the collector and transmitter links, and this results in the current amplification process, and in This type, some circuit is designed to use transistor R on the basis that it is an alternative (spare) device, as a "low" electrical resistance path is constructed between the emitter and the collector, during the process of the intersection of the current at the base of the emitter. Transistor.

PNP junction: the way this transistor works is not much different from the previous way this type of intersection works like the previous npn junction but here the inverse polarity is called PNP

Applications, fundamentals and methods of Bipolar Junction Transistor

BJT  Modes

Applications, fundamentals and methods of Bipolar Junction Transistor

Transistor modeling

The transistor model is defined as a set of elements of a circuit that, operating under specific and specific conditions, roughly simulate the actual behavior of a transistor semiconductor. Transistors can be modeled using either linear or non-linear models in linear models using only linear circuits. As for non-linear models, non-linear elements are used, such as duality. We show you a set of models,  which are

  • RE Form 
  • Hybrid equivalent model
  • Model T
  • Hybrid Bay model

The most popular non-linear model

  • Ypres Mall model
  • The model of Gomel Boone

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