الأحد، 9 أغسطس 2020

All you need to know about systems analysis

Definition of software or system development

We can define the software development process as a set of processes that produce programs. These operations include a set of stages that aim to meet the needs of the market and implement the specific design, and the possibility of producing and publishing programs, with the possibility of maintenance work for them, and the history of software development dates back to the year 1801 when the Mexican scientist Mary Jacquard created a (sewing machine) that is controlled Through perforated cards, which is a small size card that is made of cardboard and contains a group of holes, and in the year 1810 AD, Charles Babbage made the first real mechanical computer using a steam engine and called it (the analytical machine), and the American designer Hermann is In order to inherit by making a special machine for the possibility of doing the census in the year 1890 AD, and then in the year 1949 AD John Mowgli developed the first programming language known as the shortcode.

Systems analysis concept

The concept of the systems analysis process she is the process by which the problem is discovered and solved, this process divides the system into a group of its component parts in order to study the effectiveness of the work of those parts to end the desired purpose, and the field of systems analysis is closely related to the analysis of requirements and operations research Also, a procedure is being taken to assist decision-makers in the ability to make decisions in the correct way and determine the course of action in the best possible way. The concept of systems analysis can be defined as the process of studying procedures or actions to determine their goals and purposes in order to establish systems and procedures It helps to achieve these goals in an effective way, and system analysis is used in every area where development is done on something, it is a series of integrated components that provide organic functions together.

Systems analyst

systems analyst is that person who performs an accurate process of analyzing the system by studying the system and revealing it to find out what it suffers from weaknesses or problems and finding radical solutions that help solve the problem, then finding a new system and implementing it, and the systems analyst is in close relationship in terms of working with All individuals inside or outside the facility so that he can complete his work as fully as possible, also by relying on feedback, and the most important special characteristics that are required in the systems analyst:


The systems analyst must have extensive experience in the field of business and information management, the computer and methods of handling information correctly, that is, he is fully aware of the organization, management and decision making, programming methods and their languages, operating systems, and software, operations and statistics research

Character traits

The analyst must be characterized by the full ability to absorb the facility as a comprehensive system without any lack of the most accurate concepts within it, as it requires him to be able to deal flexibly and tactfully, listen to other views, write reports, and cooperate with each other.

The importance of systems analysis

The analysis of the whole organized systems includes considering the planning for the future to adapt to future changes, and the importance of systems analysis lies in testing the components of the system to ensure its integrity - and analyzing the interrelations between them and the structure of the system which facilitates its understanding and behavior,
 in order to ensure that the system contains the required features such as Safety and privacy in order to achieve the legal, contractual, and other requirements, and system analysis is useful for the following matters

1- The first importance

The system analysis process is useful for better understanding the system and knowing whether this system needs improvement, development, replacement or redesign.

2- The second importance

The process of system analysis is very important and necessary, and the reason lies in designing a set of important tests that ensure that the system works reliably.

3- The third importance

The process of searching for vulnerabilities within the system is performed and addressed through the system analysis process, and the cause of some undesirable consequences is also understood..

4- The fourth importance

The system analysis process enables the development of auxiliary programs that assist in performing a range of important functions within the system. The system analysis also provides inputs within the design of data warehouses, security, backup, operations, and efficiency. 

What is the task of a systems analyst

The realization of the concept of systems analysis depends on the employee of the systems analyst who is the person specialized in information technology and this person works at a high level within institutions and organizations, working to ensure that systems, infrastructure and computer systems work as effectively and efficiently as possible, and the systems analyst needs to be fully aware Operating systems and hardware and software configurations and hardware platforms, and he must be fully familiar with programming languages, because the responsibility of the basic systems analyst is in the information technology industry to know how to solve problems by linking computers or disordered systems Through the ability to define the basic system, programs, protocols and communication media that can be used to solve problems, and its presence is usually important from the beginning of the project analysis stage until the review of the resulting evaluation after using this system, and understanding the concept of systems analyst analysis helps in knowing its responsibilities, which can be summarized as follows: :

  • The role of the systems analyst lies in communicating with stakeholders and clients to define and document the necessary requirements in order to coordinate with the developers and implementers.

  • The systems analyst searches for problems, finds the necessary solutions, then recommends course procedures and coordinates with stakeholders to meet their specific requirements.

  • The systems analyst converts stakeholder or user requests to technical design specifications and represents a link between clients and IT professionals.

  • The system analyst also performs the process of helping to perform a system test, and also publishes the system.

  • The system analyst assists in the discussion of the evaluation results resulting after project completion

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