السبت، 8 أغسطس 2020

How to raise a child deviant on disciplined behavior

How to raise a child deviant on disciplined behavior

In today's post, I will give you some important tips for raising your child. Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. Welcome again. We know that the thing that a child is brought up has a great impact on the child's future life, so if you neglect your child's upbringing from childhood, he may deviate and there is talk about some of the skills that you should teach your child from my father Teach your children, and now we will learn about some methods and ways to raise your child 

Methods and ways to raise your child ?

Try not to punish a child for doing wrong

 Do not hit him or punish him for his mistakes because he is a child and when you hit him or insult him, he may be stubborn or he may become a cruel child when he grows up, always try to know him about his mistakes and tell him that this is wrong and you do not have to do this solution you gained your son’s trust and also felt him guilty instead of hitting him And be careful when hitting or cursing your child, he will be afraid to tell you the truth after that thus you have lost your child's confidence in you.

Teach him a hobby or sport

As we know that sport is very important for human health and enhances your child's confidence. We also know that sports are very many, including football, weightlifting, gym, tennis, swimming and other sports. Sports will enhance your child's activity and also have many benefits such as stimulating the blood circulation and enhancing the child's self-confidence. It will also teach him self-reliance and get to know friends in the same age stage as well as Learning sports, try to teach him something useful, such as learning the English language, for example

Teach your child not to raise his voice or interrupt people when they speak

. Raising the voice is one of the annoying things that some people hate if not everyone and many of our children raises his voice loudly, not from himself, so the child in his youth acquires the skills of those around him, perhaps there is someone in his family who raises his voice speaking loudly, for example, the child acquires this skill Try not to raise your voice In front of your child and teach him that this is not correct and speak in a moderate voice and also try not to interrupt those around you in their words. When the child sees you intersecting people in their speech, he will acquire this skill and he will also interrupt people in their speech, in short, the child acquires skills from those around him and does not give him it so try to be careful You are dealing in front of your child, do not curse, do not raise your voice, do not interrupt people, and many things you must beware of in front of your child and also behind him

Say no to your child

Teach your child that not everything he wants you prepare for him there are many things unnecessary by saying no to your child Many parents attend everything that his child wants and this is very wrong, there are things that have no importance and the first child you want to bring him everything he wishes you are right every father wants to He sees his child better than the rest of the children around him, but also teach him that all that the child wants is not necessary to come, try to explain to him the reason, not when he cries, you bring him what he wants.

Teach your child the Quran

Among the things that are necessary for your child to learn about his religion, such as learning to pray, memorize the Qur’an, and other things.
Prayer is a duty for every rational Muslim that if your child reaches the age of ten, he will be held accountable for his prayer, so try from the age of seven to teach him to pray and how to perform ablution, as if you take it with you to the mosque several times, and if he becomes ten years old, prayer becomes obligatory for him and also try to teach your child the Qur’an as if you attend He has someone to memorize and teach him the Qur’an who will enter you into Heaven before him or take it to a mosque in which there is a reservation for the Holy Qur’an and he will see his colleagues and be encouraged

Educational Equations:

There are several educational equations to have a behaviorally deviant child or a disciplined child, Socia.
Harmful criticism + bullying = a destructive personality
Negative comparison + contempt = demolish a character
Excessive protection + lack of responsibility = dependent personality, i.e. dependent on others
  Respect + praise = high confidence
Ignoring the negative behavior + focusing on its positive behavior = improving and modifying the behavior
Assigning him responsibility + supporting him when needed = a manly personality to depend on.

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